On a lightly floured surface, divide into 8 pieces (approx. 190 grams each).
Gently fold and shape into rounds.
Cover and rest 10 minutes.
Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
On a lightly floured surface, work one dough ball at a time. Gently press all over with fingertips to flatten.
Starting at the far end, fold dough over itself several times, pressing firmly to attach.At the last 1/2 inch, dampen the inside of the dough and use palm to press and roll together. Gently roll from the center out until log is approx. 8 inches long, tapering ends slightly. Repeat with remaining dough.
Transfer baguettes to sheets, four per sheet, centered.
Lightly cover with a clean kitchen towel and rest until noticeably puffy (40 to 60 minutes).